Custom Smart Tag DLL pro Office 2003   otázka

VB.NET, Office

Hezký den všem,

pokouším se vytvořit vlastní smart tag knihovnu

s třídami Action a Recognizer ve expres

(2005, Net.Framework 2.0) ve snaze využít vlatní

smart tags či inteligentní značky v Excelu 2003

(edice Professional).

Postupuji dle magazinu viz. link:

Smart Tags in Office 2003

Závěrem linku výše je také odkaz na starší článek:

Building Smart Tags in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Založen Class Library project s referencí Microsoft Smart Tags 2.0 s třídami Action a Recognizer a modulem dle druhého linku pro zápis klíčů při registraci, pak po použití regasm není nutné klíče zapisovat manuálně do registru :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Smart Tag

Zmíněné třídy Action a Recognizer:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<ProgId("MySmartTag.Action"), _
Guid("C1751811-6739-4614-AB28-9FB9E988A630"), _
ComVisible(True)> _
Public Class Action
    Implements ISmartTagAction
    Implements ISmartTagAction2
    ' this is requred for com interop
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property Desc(ByVal LocaleID As Integer) _
    As String Implements ISmartTagAction.Desc
            Return "My SmartTag Action Description"
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub InvokeVerb(ByVal VerbID As Integer, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal Target As Object, _
    ByVal Properties As ISmartTagProperties, _
    ByVal strText As String, _
    ByVal Xml As String) _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.InvokeVerb
        ' we are not using this method, see InvokeVerb2
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property Name(ByVal LocaleID As Integer) _
    As String Implements ISmartTagAction.Name
            Return "My SmartTag Action"
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property ProgId() As String _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.ProgId
            Return "MySmartTag.Action"
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property SmartTagCaption _
    (ByVal SmartTagID As Integer, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.SmartTagCaption
            Return "My Smart Tag Caption"
        End Get
    End Property
    ' we are only supporting 1 smart tag
    Public ReadOnly Property SmartTagCount() As Integer _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.SmartTagCount
            Return 1
        End Get
    End Property
    ' use the same smart tag name as the recognizer
    Public ReadOnly Property SmartTagName _
    (ByVal SmartTagID As Integer) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.SmartTagName
            Return "urn:samples-msdn-microsoft-com#MySmartTag"
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property VerbCaptionFromID _
    (ByVal VerbID As Integer, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.VerbCaptionFromID
            ' we are not using this method, see VerbCaptionFromID2
            Return vbNullString
        End Get
    End Property
    ' we are using 6 verbs in a cascading menu
    ' see VerbCaptionFromID2
    Public ReadOnly Property VerbCount _
    (ByVal SmartTagName As String) As Integer _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.VerbCount
            Return 6
        End Get
    End Property
    ' to get the verb id, just return the VerbIndex
    Public ReadOnly Property VerbID(ByVal SmartTagName As String, _
    ByVal VerbIndex As Integer) As Integer _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.VerbID
            Return VerbIndex
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property VerbNameFromID _
    (ByVal VerbID As Integer) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagAction.VerbNameFromID
            Return "ShowTag"
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property IsCaptionDynamic _
    (ByVal VerbID As Integer, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As Boolean _
    Implements ISmartTagAction2.IsCaptionDynamic
            Return False
        End Get
    End Property
    ' This is necessary to underline the text the smart tag
    ' recognized.
    Public ReadOnly Property ShowSmartTagIndicator _
    (ByVal VerbID As Integer, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As Boolean _
    Implements ISmartTagAction2.ShowSmartTagIndicator
            Return True
        End Get
    End Property
    ' we are not implementing the initialize method
    Public Sub SmartTagInitialize(ByVal ApplicationName As String) _
    Implements ISmartTagAction2.SmartTagInitialize
    End Sub
    ' build the cascading menu for the on-application menu
    Public ReadOnly Property VerbCaptionFromID2 _
    (ByVal VerbID As Integer, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer, _
    ByVal Properties As ISmartTagProperties, _
    ByVal Text As String, _
    ByVal Xml As String, _
    ByVal Target As Object) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagAction2.VerbCaptionFromID2
            Dim lcString As String = ""
            Select Case VerbID
                Case 1
                    lcString = "Test 1///Show My Smart Tag Verb ID 1"
                Case 2
                    lcString = "Test 1///Show My Smart Tag Verb ID 2"
                Case 3
                    lcString = "Test 2///Show My Smart Tag Verb ID 3"
                Case 4
                    lcString = "Test 2///Show My Smart Tag Verb ID 4"
                Case 5
                    lcString = "Test 3///Show My Smart Tag Verb ID 5"
                Case 6
                    lcString = "Test 3///Show My Smart Tag Verb ID 6"
            End Select
            Return lcString
        End Get
    End Property
    ' our action just displays a messagebox of information
    ' collection during recognition
    Public Sub InvokeVerb2(ByVal VerbID As Integer, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal Target As Object, _
    ByVal Properties As ISmartTagProperties, _
    ByVal strText As String, _
    ByVal Xml As String, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) _
    Implements ISmartTagAction2.InvokeVerb2
        Dim strMsg As String = strText
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To Properties.Count - 1
            strMsg &= vbCrLf & Properties.KeyFromIndex(i) & "=" & _
        ' add the Verb ID and Application Name
        strMsg &= vbCrLf & "Verb ID=" & VerbID
        strMsg &= vbCrLf & "Application=" & ApplicationName
        MsgBox(strMsg, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "My SmartTag Action")
    End Sub
End Class
<ProgId("MySmartTag.Recognizer"), _
Guid("57D8FC4A-4ED8-43c9-9716-7D378D03F2FC"), _
ComVisible(True)> _
Public Class Recognizer
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer2
    ' this is requred for com interop
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property Desc(ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As _
    String Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.Desc
            Return "My first smart tag description."
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Name(ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As _
    String Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.Name
            Return "My first smart tag name."
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property ProgId() As String _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.ProgId
            Return "MySmartTag.Recognizer"
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub Recognize(ByVal strRecText As String, _
    ByVal DataType As IF_TYPE, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer, _
    ByVal RecognizerSite As ISmartTagRecognizerSite) _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.Recognize
        ' we are not using this method, see Recognize2
    End Sub
    ' we are only supporting 1 smart tag
    Public ReadOnly Property SmartTagCount() As Integer _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.SmartTagCount
            Return 1
        End Get
    End Property
    ' we are not supporting a download url
    Public ReadOnly Property SmartTagDownloadURL _
    (ByVal SmartTagID As Integer) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.SmartTagDownloadURL
            Return ""
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property SmartTagName _
    (ByVal SmartTagID As Integer) As String _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer.SmartTagName
            Return "urn:samples-msdn-microsoft-com#MySmartTag"
        End Get
    End Property
    ' we are not supporting a property page
    Public Sub DisplayPropertyPage(ByVal SmartTagID As Integer, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer2.DisplayPropertyPage
    End Sub
    ' we are not supporting a property page
    Public ReadOnly Property PropertyPage _
    (ByVal SmartTagID As Integer, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As Boolean _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer2.PropertyPage
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub Recognize2(ByVal strRecText As String, _
    ByVal DataType As IF_TYPE, _
    ByVal LocaleID As Integer, _
    ByVal RecognizerSite2 As ISmartTagRecognizerSite2, _
    ByVal ApplicationName As String, _
    ByVal TokenList As ISmartTagTokenList) _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer2.Recognize2
        Dim intLocation As Integer = _
        InStr(strRecText, "SmartTag", CompareMethod.Text)
        If intLocation > 0 Then
            Dim stPropBag As ISmartTagProperties = _
            Dim strPropType As String = ""
            Select Case DataType
                Case IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_CELL
                    strPropType = "IF_TYPE_CELL"
                Case IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_CHAR
                    strPropType = "IF_TYPE_CHAR"
                Case IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_PARA
                    strPropType = "IF_TYPE_PARA"
                Case IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_REGEXP
                    strPropType = "IF_TYPE_REGEXP"
                Case IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_SINGLE_WD
                    strPropType = "IF_TYPE_SINGLE_WD"
            End Select
            stPropBag.Write("DataType", strPropType)
            stPropBag.Write("LocalID", LocaleID.ToString())
            RecognizerSite2.CommitSmartTag _
            ("urn:samples-msdn-microsoft-com#MySmartTag", _
            intLocation, 8, stPropBag)
        End If
    End Sub
    ' we are not implementing the initialize method
    Public Sub SmartTagInitialize(ByVal ApplicationName As String) _
    Implements ISmartTagRecognizer2.SmartTagInitialize
    End Sub

    <ComRegisterFunction()> _
    Shared Sub Register(ByVal RegKey As String)
        RegSmartTag(RegKey, True)
    End Sub

    <ComUnregisterFunction()> _
    Shared Sub Unregister(ByVal RegKey As String)
        RegSmartTag(RegKey, False)
    End Sub

End Class

Modul FileRegistration:

Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System

Module FileRegistration
    Private fReg As Boolean = False   '<-- Shared variable so this gets called only once.  
    Public Sub RegSmartTag(ByVal RegKey As String, ByVal Register As Boolean)
        If Not fReg Then
            OutputMsg("*****  Beginning smart tag registration. *****")
            OutputMsg(vbTab & "Register=" & Register.ToString())

            ' Main smart tags registry key. 
            Dim rkeySmartTags As RegistryKey _
                = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey _
                ("Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Smart Tag", True)
            ' Actions subkey.
            Dim rkeyActions As RegistryKey _
                = rkeySmartTags.OpenSubKey("Actions", True)
            ' Recognizers subkey. 
            Dim rkeyRecognizers As RegistryKey _
                = rkeySmartTags.OpenSubKey("Recognizers", True)

            ' Get the current assembly. 
            Dim reflAssembly As [Assembly] = [Assembly].GetExecutingAssembly()
            ' Get all public types for the assembly. 
            Dim reflTypes As Type() = reflAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
            Dim reflType As Type
            For Each reflType In reflTypes
                ' <-- Looping over the exported types. 
                ' Get the interfaces to look for the smart tag interfaces.
                If reflType.IsClass Then  ' Make sure that it's a class.  
                    Dim reflInterfaces As Type() = reflType.GetInterfaces()
                    Dim reflInterface As Type
                    For Each reflInterface In reflInterfaces
                        Select Case reflInterface.Name
                            Case "ISmartTagAction"  ' Smart tag action interface. 
                                HandleReg(reflType, rkeyActions, Register)
                            Case "ISmartTagRecognizer" 'Smart tag recognizer interface. 
                                HandleReg(reflType, rkeyRecognizers, Register)
                        End Select
                    Next reflInterface
                End If
            Next reflType

            'Done.  Now clean up.  
            reflTypes = Nothing
            reflAssembly = Nothing
            rkeyActions = Nothing
            rkeyRecognizers = Nothing
            rkeySmartTags = Nothing

            fReg = True ' <-- Set our shared variable to True. 
            OutputMsg("*****  Completed smart tag registration. *****")
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub HandleReg(ByVal sysType As Type, ByVal RegKey As RegistryKey, _
            ByVal Register As Boolean)
        ' Code to actually do the registration of the smart tag.  
        ' INPUTS:
        '   sysType: Type for the class that's getting registered.  
        '   RegKey: Registry key to register the class in.  
        '       Should be the actions or recognizers key.  
        '   Register: True to register, False to unregister.  

        ' Get the type of the GuidAttribute class.  
        Dim typGUIDAttr As Type = GetType(GuidAttribute)

        ' Check to see if the GuidAttribute attribute is defined on the class.  
        If Attribute.IsDefined(sysType, typGUIDAttr) Then
            Dim attrValue As GuidAttribute
            ' Get the GuidAttribute attribute through reflection.  
            attrValue = CType(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(sysType, typGUIDAttr), GuidAttribute)
            ' Get the string representation of the GUID.  
            Dim strGuidVal As String = "{" & attrValue.Value & "}"
            If Register Then
                    Dim newKey As RegistryKey _
                        = RegKey.CreateSubKey(strGuidVal)
                    newKey.SetValue("Assembly", sysType.Assembly.FullName)
                    newKey.SetValue("Type", sysType.FullName)
                    OutputMsg(sysType.Name & " registered with smart tags successfully")
                    OutputMsg("Failed to register " & sysType.Name & " with smart tags")
                    OutputMsg(Err.GetType.Name & ":" & Err.Description)
                End Try
                    RegKey.DeleteSubKey(strGuidVal, False)
                    OutputMsg(sysType.Name & " unregistered with smart tags successfully")
                    OutputMsg("Failed to unregister " & sysType.Name & " with smart tags")
                    OutputMsg(Err.GetType.Name & ":" & Err.Description)
                End Try
            End If
            'If we don't find the GuidAttribute attribute, write to the system console.  
            OutputMsg("Could not register " & sysType.Name & " as smart tag.")
            OutputMsg("GUID attribute not found on class.")
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub OutputMsg(ByVal Msg As String)
        ' Use DEBUG conditional compile constant to only output
        ' when compiling the DEBUG version.  
#If DEBUG Then
#End If
    End Sub
End Module

Asembly mám podepsanou, zkompilovanou a dostávám se k registraci, zatím v tom nemám vůbec jasno, uvádí, že stačí přidat 'jen' klíče do registru,ale skutečnost bude mnohem složitější a strašně v tom tápu.

Mám prosbu na správný postup registrace knihovny, má správně být vlastně umístěna do GAC pomocí gacutil /i nebo v adresáři :

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Smart Tag

(kde jsou smart tag knihovny i složka Lists a nástroj SmartTagInstall.exe pro obnovu smarttags pro office bez jejich restartu) nebo libovolně jinde s použitím podklíče Filename, který pak k ní určuje cestu, něco podobného asi používá VSTO plus podklíč Managed, ale to nemám a mít nebudu, jen express...

Nechci popisovat své nezdařilé pokusy, už tak je to dlouhé.

Něco ohledně COM a kolem Office jsem tu zahlídla, snad zde uspěji a povede se mi příklad s Vaší pomocí zprovoznit.

Ohledně nastavení excelu má být zabezpečení nastaveno na střední, zaškrtnuto důvěřovat doplňkům a šablonám, také povoleny značky v sešitu, nástroje-> možnosti automatických oprav, pak se také vlastní značky v lepším (ne mém) případě objeví mezi stávajícími a budou se zobrazovat při rozeznání textu...

Snažím se 'slepit' info z různých zdrojů, bez pomoci to v žádném

případě nedám dohromady, s .net se seznamuji a pro zkušené to

možná nebude tak nepochopitelné, snad budu mít štěstí, třeba mi

chybí v kódu nějaké atributy, v registrech podklíče a určitě vše

dělám naprosto špatně...

Díky za trpělivost, váš čas a případnou pomoc s registrací, tip či jen odkaz, jak se dozvědět něco bližšího.


Další odkazy:

Visual Basic .NET Tutorial

Smart Tags and the Windows Registry

How to create an Office XP Smart Tag DLL by using Visual Basic .NET;en-us;q306058

I tak to asi nepůjde:

nahlásit spamnahlásit spam 0 odpovědětodpovědět

Omluva všem za ztrátu času čtením mého příspěvku.

Nedařilo se mi knihovnu zaregistrovat a v bezradnosti

jsem se obrátila do fóra, ale s pomocí regasm a gacutil

se mi nakonec povedlo knihovnu zaregistrovat.

V prvé řadě mě zajímalo,zda bude vůbec možné v express

verzi výše zvolený jednoduchý příklad reprodukovat.

Studuji příklady z MS Office 2003 Smart Tag SDK v naději

se dozvědět více.


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